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الهاشماب.نت _ المنتدى العام _ No arabic key board

كاتب الموضوع: MOHANNED HUMAM Jul 15 2009, 07:40 PM

Salam to you all here in the forum.I know I am writting this slightly a few months later than originaly supposed to but please allow me. I have been browsing the website since its early days, and it is very encouraging to see it growing albeit at a slow pace. But i know with the demands everyone involved have, it will take time for it to become what we hope it to be. Gadoora i am very sorry for the failure in communications but i promise to try and get more involved in this and please excuse the lack of the Arabic Keyboard..

كاتب الموضوع: نبراس الطيب Aug 3 2009, 10:21 AM

أخي مهند

نوّرتنا و شرفت دارك

لكن قصة الكيبورد العربي دي قصة laugh.gif

بس من فضلك أكتب زي ما داير لحين توافر الكيبورد العربي عندك

محتاجين نتواصل و ننعش منتدانا

حتى لو بالإشارات

كن بألف خير عزيزي

كاتب الموضوع: MOHANNED HUMAM Aug 5 2009, 04:05 PM

شكرا ليك يا نبراس

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