مرحبا بالضيف ( دخول | التسجيل )


تاريخ المشاركة: Aug 5 2009, 04:05 PM


المجموعة: Members
المشاركات: 6
التسجيل: 6-May 08
البلد: UK
رقم العضوية.: 19

شكرا ليك يا نبراس
  المنتدى: المنتدى العام · مشاهدة الموضوع: #397 · الردود: 2 · المشاهدات: 20,421

تاريخ المشاركة: Aug 5 2009, 04:02 PM


المجموعة: Members
المشاركات: 6
التسجيل: 6-May 08
البلد: UK
رقم العضوية.: 19

إقتباس(محمد عمر الامين @ Aug 4 2009, 12:38 PM) *
الاخوة بالمنتدي
سلام من سودان العزة والشموخ سلام يحمل دعاش الخريف وكتاحة الصيف البتخلي الواقع يقيف
عاش الاهل بالهاشماب اسبوعاً يحمل الحلو والمر وكما هو معلوم إن بدأت الأعراس في الهاشماب فإنها ستستمر لفترة وإن إنفتحت بيوت الاعزاء يبقي عزرائيل صديقاً للأسرة لقد سعد الأهل وفرحوا بزواج أخينا العريس الظريف الدمو خفيف أسامة محمد أحمد البلولة زواج كان حكاية وأجمل ما في الزواج تلك الاغنية التي قدمها العريس بنفسه للعروسة عقب قدومهم من الكوفير وسط زغاريد الأهل فالعريس أسامة أظهر ملكات جميلة في الصوت مع الحفظ والتجويد يعني كانت جدعة حلوة من العريس وأكيد العرسان الجايين في الحلة حا يقولوا ما عاوزين فنان نحنا برانا بنجي نغني في عرسنا نجلس بين الفاصل والفاصل مع العروس في الكوشة ثم نتوجه للمسرح لتقديم الفاصل الثاني وفي ذلك توفير لمبلغ الفنان بالاضافة لعشاء الفنانين (حلوة دي مش كده)
إنتهى زواج اخينا اسامة اللقطة لتبدأ الأحزان إذ توفي في يوم واحد كل من الخال مختار الطاهر بالسعودية وتوفيت مساءالحاجة الطاهرة شوقي الاسد وفي اليوم الثاني توفيت الحاجة صفية بت محمداني وربنا يستر ومع هذه البكيات المتسارعة ووسط الدموع ذكرت أحدى خالتنا طرفة أضحكت الناس كثيراً وهي قادمة من بكاء الخال مختار والخالة الطاهرة وعندما اخطروها بوفاة الحاجة صفية قالت بكل بساطة وعفوية لا لا النمشي ندسة الشغلانة كترت والراجل ده حايم في الحلة.
ربنا يديم الافراح ويجعل كل الليالي ملاح فالرحمة والمغفرة لكل الذين رحلوا عنا ربنا يجعلهم من اصحاب اليمين ومبرووك ومليون مبروك للعرسان وربنا يديم الافراح.
وعقبال للعزابة والمشوكشييين ولا شنو يا أخونا قدورة

سلامات يا حمودي

انا للله وانا اليه راجعون
البركة فيكم و الف مبروك للراجل الراقى عريس الموسم و المصور العجيب باشمهندس أسامة و عقبال بيت عامر ان شاء الله

بعدين يا حمودي ما في داعي للاحباط ز نعم الواحد اطلع على المقترح السدىد بالنسبة للنادي لكن الولى من وجهة نظري البسيطة متابعة الامر دة من السودان لانو كان في محاولة لتشكيل نواة جديدة جامعة لشباب و شابات الاسرة . ما عندي فكرة الحصل شنو في الموضوع؟ علي اي حال انت فتحت باب النقاش الاسفيري و الناس الذي ديل بتعبو مع الكيبورد العربي لكن حنحاول. سلامي للحاجة
  المنتدى: المنتدى العام · مشاهدة الموضوع: #396 · الردود: 2 · المشاهدات: 21,330

تاريخ المشاركة: Jul 15 2009, 08:17 PM


المجموعة: Members
المشاركات: 6
التسجيل: 6-May 08
البلد: UK
رقم العضوية.: 19

The first picture shows Ahmed Yousif Hashim standing next to officers in Majlis Qiyadat Thwara 1952, Salah Salim and Hussein Zu-al-Faqar, then Abd-el-Rahman Ali ,and Mohammed Najab then Abdullahi al-Fadil al-Mahdi, Al-Derdieri, Ali Pasha Maher, and on the far left of the frame Mohammed Ahmed MahjoubTaha
  المنتدى: المنتدى العام · مشاهدة الموضوع: #387 · الردود: 3 · المشاهدات: 23,323

تاريخ المشاركة: Jul 15 2009, 08:13 PM


المجموعة: Members
المشاركات: 6
التسجيل: 6-May 08
البلد: UK
رقم العضوية.: 19

here are two photos from years gone by. One is of the Sudan delegations to talks with the Egyptian government in the 1950's not sure of the date and the other is of a group of poets around a table, you can see Siddig Mudathir, Mohammed al-Mahdi al-Majzoub and Abdallah al-Tayeb, and am sure other very well known others, any clues?
الصورة المرفقة
الصورة المرفقة
الصورة المرفقة
  المنتدى: المنتدى العام · مشاهدة الموضوع: #386 · الردود: 3 · المشاهدات: 23,323

تاريخ المشاركة: Jul 15 2009, 07:55 PM


المجموعة: Members
المشاركات: 6
التسجيل: 6-May 08
البلد: UK
رقم العضوية.: 19

From The Times May 4, 2009

Dr Abdel Halim Mohammed Abdel Halim: Sudanese doctor

Dr Abdel Halim Mohammed Abdel Halim was a Sudanese doctor who rose to occupy senior health service roles in the African state and became a grandee of his country’s footballing and Olympic administration.

Dr Halim, as he was known to his students, colleagues and friends, was born in 1910, in Omdurman, the native capital of Sudan, into a distinguished family of religious scholars, writers, journalists, politicians, educationists, lawyers, medical men and sportsmen.

He qualified as a medical doctor from Kitchener School of Medicine in Khartoum, the top of his class and the winner of several medical prizes. Soon after his medical internship he was appointed to take part in training medical students and house officers.

In 1948 he became the first Sudanese to obtain membership of the Royal College of Physicians in London, and later became the first Sudanese Fellow. He was the first Sudanese to rise to hold the position of senior physician in what was called the Sudan Medical Service during British rule and at independence he went on to hold the equivalent position in the Ministry of Health.

He trained medical students, house officers and medical registrars who later became the mainstay of the Sudan medical service. He developed medical services and led the development of the new teaching hospital in Khartoum.

Yet he had many other interests as well. He was Mayor of Khartoum, president of the Sudanese Football Association, founder member and president of the African Football Association and, later, president of the Sudanese Olympic Committee. He travelled the world in his capacity as head of the medical committee of FIFA and he also served on the International Olympic Committee. He was also Chancellor of Khartoum University and the first president of the Sudanese Medical Association, an equivalent of the British Medical Association.

Also known as a man of letters, in the 1930s Halim was a leading member of the Hashmab and Dawn reading group. Together with similar reading groups it laid foundations for the Sudanese Graduates Congress, which itself heralded the creation of the main political parties that led the movement for independence from British rule and ruled the country during the brief periods of democratic rule since independence in 1956.

Halim was one of the confidants and political advisers of Al-Sayed Abdel-Rahman Elmahdi, the son of the Mahdi and guardian of the Omma Political Party. After the overthrow of the first military dictatorship of General Abboud in 1964, he became one of the members of the Sudan Presidential Council, which presided over the interim coalition Government that paved the way for general elections.

Also in the 1930s he took a leading part in the literary movement of the time, co-authoring a book entitled Death of a Life with his brother-in- law, Mohamed Ahmed Mahjoub, who later became Prime Minister of Sudan.

Halim was elitist in his tastes but as comfortable mixing with young footballers as erudite literary types, sophisticated politicians and high-powered physicians. Friends thought of him as a good, liberal and libertarian Muslim.

An anglophile, he rarely missed his annual visit to England to meet his British medical and other friends as well as his Sudanese colleagues and students. His medical ward rounds were a great attraction, as rigorous medical teaching was intermingled with high-flown prose, native proverbs and wisecracks as well as verses from the Koran. He could be eloquent and light-hearted but also incisive and sarcastic with those who failed to live up to his high medical standards. His students and graduate trainees rose to be his colleagues and loyal friends, and he kept a fatherly eye on their progress.

His wife predeceased him. He is survived by five sons and two daughters.

Dr Abdel Halim Mohammed Abdel Halim, physician, was born on April 10, 1910. He died on April 16, 2009, aged 99

  المنتدى: المنتدى العام · مشاهدة الموضوع: #385 · الردود: 2 · المشاهدات: 43,914

تاريخ المشاركة: Jul 15 2009, 07:40 PM


المجموعة: Members
المشاركات: 6
التسجيل: 6-May 08
البلد: UK
رقم العضوية.: 19

Salam to you all here in the forum.I know I am writting this slightly a few months later than originaly supposed to but please allow me. I have been browsing the website since its early days, and it is very encouraging to see it growing albeit at a slow pace. But i know with the demands everyone involved have, it will take time for it to become what we hope it to be. Gadoora i am very sorry for the failure in communications but i promise to try and get more involved in this and please excuse the lack of the Arabic Keyboard..
  المنتدى: المنتدى العام · مشاهدة الموضوع: #384 · الردود: 2 · المشاهدات: 20,421

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